Our neighborhood has a private well owned by Blue Topaz Utilities and is regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
Blue Topaz Utilities will charge a hook up fee for new service (new homes) and charges a monthly service fee if you use water or not.
Private water wells are not permitted by our deed restrictions due to our lot sizes and aerobic septic systems. Contact the county engineering office for more information on private wells.
Blue Topaz Utilities
Drop Box address; 12284 FM3083, Conroe, TX. 77301
Mailing address; P.O. Box 2917, Conroe, TX. 77305-2927
Phone; 936-756-7400
Emergency; 800-256-2636
Office Hours; Check their website for current information
TV / Satellite / Phone/ Internet Information
Major service providers are shown below. Some offer "bundle" packages. We recommend you always do your research before calling a company directly. Our zip code is 77354
Television (Cable / Satellite)
Phone (Landline)
Trash, Recycle & Heavy Trash Pick-up
Trash and recycle services are provided by one company for the Thousand Oaks subdivision. The Board of Directors and/or the management company solicits bids to find a provider that best meets the needs of our community. Only one company is allowed which helps minimize damage to our roads and reduce the total number of days for cans on the street.
Currently there are (2) trash pick-up days, (1) recycle day and (1) heavy trash day (same as recycle day).
GFL Environmental (formerly called WCA). Please contact them for your service and individual billing. Tell them you are a Thousand Oaks resident for our special rate. Phone 281 789-1981. Service is billed quarterly. Contact GFL Environmental for the latest rate information.
Additional Information
Please do not leave trash carts or trash out on non-trash days.
GFL Environmental (formerly called WCA)
Phone; 281 449-8500
Septic Information
Each home within Thousand Oaks has it own aerobic septic system. These systems are required to have a "maintenance contract" with a local certified provider to inspect your system 3 times a year, and file those inspections with Montgomery county.
Contract price varies depending on service provider. You can usually find a provider by looking on your septic system box for a sticker and phone number.
For more information on septic systems
click here.
Schools / State of Texas / Montgomery County
Thousand Oaks community falls within the Magnolia ISD.
The following schools serve our neighborhood, and all provide bus service in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood does have covered bus stops, but the bus usually stops near each individual home for pick up and drop off.
For more information please visit the Magnolia ISD Website below.
Magnolia Independent School District
P.O. Box 88
Magnolia, TX 77353
Phone; 281-356-3571
Montgomery County
Montgomery County Taxes
Thousand Oaks has some of the lowest taxes in the Houston metro area, specifically because we have no MUD tax. Our water is provided by T&W and each home has its own aerobic septic system.
Tax rate information plus FAQ's are available at the
Montgomery County Appraisal District. Don't forget to file for your exemptions including Homestead, 65 and over plus others. Do you qualify? You must own your home on January 1st of that year to qualify.
Texas Driver's License Information
Don't forget to change your address for your driver's license.
Texas Vehicle Registration Information
Don't forget to change your vehicle registration to your new address.
Click on the link to the
Texas DMV. Here you will find information about registering your vehicle and the required state inspection including the
Two Step One Sticker plan effective March 1, 2015.
Voter Registration
Click on the link to access
Montgomery County election and voter registration information.